Christmastime provides an opportunity to reflect on what we believe about the most important questions. We are confronted with the person of Jesus Christ and the gospel message. Despite this reality, many do not take Jesus seriously or think He is relevant to their lives. The result is that the Chr...
Was Jesus a social justice warrior? Is the Kingdom of God advanced through social and political activism? Many voices tell us this is the right way to think about Jesus and the Kingdom of God. But is this accurate to the teaching of the Bible? In this episode, I distinguish between the social jus...
In this episode, I consider the centrality of Jesus' resurrection to Christianity and discuss what makes belief in it plausible and implausible. I also present and critique a popular line of argument against the resurrection.
There is a lot in the Bible about worshiping and praising God. Do the commands and passages that refer to this mean that God is arrogant, self-absorbed, or even needy? While the commands to worship and praise God are often taken for granted by Christians, they raise good questions that help us ...
Is humanity in a position to know if God exists? If not, this means that claims to know that God exists are groundless. Agnosticism, in its strong form, says that we are unable to have knowledge of God. What does this view involve and is it a credible objection to belief in God?
Christmas is a celebration of the Incarnation, when God entered our world as a human being in Jesus Christ. But why was this necessary and what significance does the Incarnation have for Christian theology? What implications does this have for our lives today?